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Management 81
ISSN 1820-0222
ISSN 2406-0658 (Online)
Mapping of the Business Infrastructure in Serbia with a Special View at Brownfield and Greenfield


UDC: UDC: 332.122:338.45(497.11)

DOI: 10.7595/management.fon.2014.0008


Contemporary business dictionaries lack a precise definition of the notion of business infrastructure. Also, there is an open question as to what are all the things that comprise a business infrastructure. In Serbia, there is not a legislative framework yet which recognizes and stimulates its development by categories and geographic position. Parallel to the lack of notional and legislative frameworks, we can also observe numerous activities in the field of creation of development policies and project investments in concrete facilities and sites. During the previous several mandates (since 2007), the Government of Serbia has stimulated the development of business infrastructure throughout the country using the budget funds. During the same period, significant donor funds have been spent precisely for the projects in the sphere of enhancement of business infrastructure in Serbia. In addition to the definitions provided for a set of important notions, the paper also presents a structural analysis based on the results of the survey/mapping of business infrastructure. It also shows the methodological procedure with a special view at the socalled brownfield and greenfield potentials. Also, the results of the survey have been considered within a general socio-economic context with a critical view at the effects of the implemented development policies.

Keywords: business infrastructure, mapping, industrial zones, brownfield, greenfield.


Jovanka Vukmirović1, Aleksandra Vukmirović2, Dragan Vukmirović3

1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences

2Stata.rs ltd Belgrade, Milutina Milankovića 132/9 Belgrade

3Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Milana Rakića 5 Belgrade


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Broj 81
sreda, 01 mart 2017
Izdanje broj 81, časopisa za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta - "Management", je objavljeno i može se preuzeti sa našeg sajta u rubrici 'Pregled brojeva'. Izdanje je objavljeno samo u engleskoj verziji.
Broj 80
sreda, 23 novembar 2016
Izdanje broj 80, časopisa za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta - "Management", je objavljeno i može se preuzeti sa našeg sajta u rubrici 'Pregled brojeva'.
Broj 79
petak, 02 septembar 2016
Izdanje broj 79, časopisa za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta - "Management", je objavljeno. Članci od kojih se sadrži mogu se preuzeti sa našeg sajta u rubrici 'Pregled brojeva'.
Broj 78
petak, 20 maj 2016
Izdanje broj 78, časopisa za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta - "Management", je objavljeno. Članci od kojih se sadrži mogu se preuzeti sa našeg sajta u rubrici 'Pregled brojeva'.
Broj 77
sreda, 24 februar 2016
Izdanje broj 77, časopisa za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta - "Management", je objavljeno. Članci od kojih se sadrži mogu se preuzeti sa našeg sajta u rubrici 'Pregled brojeva'.
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